
links 0.2.0

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Hi all,

I am happy to announce the release of links 0.2.0.


Release highlights:

# Added

- additional import sanity checking to avoid db layer errors (ie, max length exceeded).
- GraphQL calls for audit logs
- 40ish missing Spanish translations. The app should now once again be fully translated to Spanish.

# Changed

- Pinboard import now uses streaming json decoding to avoid loading large files completely into memory.
- No longer allowing duplicate bookmarks to be saved under the same organization.
- GraphQL api version: minor version bump
- Failed metadata collection on base url's will be attempted a max of 3 times in 1 day intervals.
- require login to view recent, popular, or public bookmark pages while filtering by more than 2 tags.

# Closed Tickets

- [#96: Import: pq: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe2 0x80 0x2e](https://todo.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links/96)
- [#97: Import: large json files are failing during processing](https://todo.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links/97)

# Changed dependencies for downstream packagers

## New

+ github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.4.8

## Updated

* github.com/alexedwards/scs/postgresstore v0.0.0-20240316134038-7e11d57e8885 => v0.0.0-20250212122300-421ef1d8611c
* github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.12.0 => v10.25.0
* github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.12.0 => v4.13.3
* github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.2 => v1.4.0
* github.com/lib/pq v1.10.4 => v1.10.9
* golang.org/x/crypto v0.29.0 => v0.32.0
* golang.org/x/net v0.31.0 => v0.34.0
* golang.org/x/sync v0.9.0 => v0.10.0
* golang.org/x/sys v0.27.0 => v0.29.0
* golang.org/x/text v0.20.0 => v0.21.0
* golang.org/x/time v0.5.0 => v0.8.0
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs v0.0.0-20250210133053-d6d2609ea06b => v0.1.0
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs-auditlog v0.0.0-20250212125140-4bc7672b127a => v0.0.0-20250301131257-7f4e85afc191
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs-formguard v0.0.0-20241220204736-317383081170 => v0.0.0-20250301131317-1f0cd5f8aae3
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs-graphql v0.0.0-20250210133219-e8b6c75f26cf => v0.0.0-20250301131355-531aea2c24f4
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs-oauth2 v0.0.0-20250210133144-ca8ea95073d6 => v0.0.0-20250301131225-e6862bb0fe52
* netlandish.com/x/gobwebs-ses-feedback v0.0.0-20241220204650-1fb58398640c => v0.0.0-20250301131458-51fcdde09e75

## Removed

- github.com/golang-jwt/jwt

Thanks to all contributors!

~$ contrib/git-stats.sh 0.1.4..0.2.0

Author         Commits  Changed Files  Insertions  Deletions
Peter Sanchez       20             75       +5373      -2871
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